Less Plan. More Do!

Find something to do today right in your neighborhood! Meet new people or get together with friends for a last-minute pickup game, watch party, outdoor fitness class, or flag football with the kids. Post new activities or join up with existing ones. Available now on App Store & Google Play.

Check It Out:

Spontaneous Fun

Not a planner? Us either. Check out local happenings that don't require a commitment in advance.

Hassle-Free Hosting

Catch a game with friends or get the neighborhood kids together without the tedious back and forth of group texts.

Activities for Everyone

Unexpectedly nice day out? Grill out at the park, throw together a softball game or attend (or teach!) an outdoor fitness class.

Add Friends

Easily find, add and invite your crew to join an activity

Get the Details

Find everything you need in one place—cost (if any), location, who's going and what to bring.

Meet Your Community

Connect those around you based on mutual interests, favorite sports team, kids the same age, etc

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